Coffee and Cards

Follow along as we look at the cards we chose Monday and add to them.

See the excerpt for the collective card, from the guidebook, below. Watch the replay for additional insight and card pulls.


My card this week was: GIVING

Hold your hands out. Hold them steady. Hold them open. You are giving your heart to the world through the creative expression that flows through your hands.

Your eyes are the window to your soul and the world. Through them, you perceive many great things. You absorb them into your cells, your body, and the fabric of your journey.

No one has seen, heard, learned, created, and acknowledged the world exactly as you do.

Your task is to give this back. To repackage your experiences into the projects, processes, and presentations you are called to create. What you are doing is GIVING, to the next person a piece of their fabric, a thread in their tapestry without which they could not create what is theirs to create.

You cannot hold back in your ability to give. You will earn rewards in many ways. Some will be financial, and we know this to be your primary motivator. This, we understand, is reasonable, necessary, and right. Money is a gift from the heavens above so that you can trade much more than the goods produced as essential for survival. But there will be other rewards as well; time, connection, lessons learned, soul growth, and expansion.

If your giving does not result in monetary reward we say unto you this, take pause and reflect. Where is the reward? All giving gets rewarded in some way. You must excavate it and mine that goodness for yourself. For these contribute to your fabric, making your tapestry richer, and completes the process that elevates what you give to the next higher level.

Featured in today's video: Available on our store now!


Represents peace and joy. Brings power, mental clarity, and creativity. It cleanses and rejuvenates your spirit.


Fosters truth, understanding and unclouded perception of reality. Uplifts your feelings from stressful oppression into freedom and clarity.


This stone is associated with clarity and manifestation. This high vibrational stone will help clear your mind and focus. By harnessing your thoughts and clear actions you will be able to make better choices and decisions.


A protection stone. Brings health, wealth, luck and abundance. It turns a negative flow of energy into a calm more positive flow. It’s reflective nature allows a window to view behaviors you’ve been holding back. This elevates your consciousness so you are aware of what you need to change or resolve to bring the abundance of Pyrite.

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Coffee and Cards


Coffee and Cards