Coffee and Cards

Follow along as pull a collective card...or two.

See the excerpt for the collective card, from the guidebook, below. Watch the replay for additional insight and card pulls.



In response to the concept, “you are different every day” – no, you’re not. Your vibration is different every day. As a human, your energy fluctuates and therefore, your perceptions of your world, of how you believe you’re doing, your rightness or wrongness, your understanding of success or failure – these all change in relation to your energy.

Therefore, we urge you to focus even 1% more on your self-care mechanisms than your creative output. Do not get lured into the trap of self-care as a luxury. You have a human body, and your human body requires vast amounts of care and maintenance. You must feed, bathe, groom, breathe, sleep, move, exercise, care for your brain and its thoughts, care for your teeth and gums, care for your digestive system, care for your cardiovascular system, all of it needs tending to on daily, weekly, monthly, and annual basis.

The more steady you become in caring for your physical body, the more regular your vibration becomes. Then, the you that is different each day is the result of life experiences that cause learning, understanding, growth, and expansion more than the one that is different because you are exhausted, malnourished, ill, weak, or bad-tempered.

We say to you this: take the time to put all the care you need for an entire year onto your calendar. Schedule now your dentist, doctor, hair cuts, therapist, energy healings, and any other regular visits. Each week schedule your workouts and meal plans before work, play, housework, or other obligations that do not relate to caring for your physical body.

When you make this task your priority, everything else flows with ease. Remember, you are nature, and the more you embrace the natural part of you that needs tending to, the more you can flow with ease into any other creation you desire.

Featured in today's video: Available on our store now!


This stone is associated with clarity and manifestation. This high vibrational stone will help clear your mind and focus. By harnessing your thoughts and clear actions you will be able to make better choices and decisions.


A protection stone. Brings health, wealth, luck and abundance. It turns a negative flow of energy into a calm more positive flow. It’s reflective nature allows a window to view behaviors you’ve been holding back. This elevates your consciousness so you are aware of what you need to change or resolve to bring the abundance of Pyrite.

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Coffee and Cards


Coffee and Cards